Lock Down Photo Challenge - #1
Taking a Good Photo!
It’s SUPER important to make sure that when you take a photo that its nice and clear and with the correct exposure (not too dark or light on your subject).
Look below at some photos that were not taken well.
Here are some photos that have been well exposed and are sharp and clear
If you would like some more tips on how to hold your camera and how to take a better shot, follow this link.
It’s your turn!!!!
Your mission is to:
(a) Take a steady, clear and well-exposed photo of your anything you want!
Try not to have anything distracting around or behind your subject.
(b) Take your subject to different locations around your home or outdoor area. Practise photographing your subject in the best light and making sure the background is clear.
Challenge yourself by photographing your subject in every room in your home. In each space, work out where to put your subject to have the best light and the least distractions around them. Could you move closer to your subject? Turn them towards a window? move them to a blank wall?
Have a play around with making the best looking ‘clean’ photo of your subject!
Once you have done this! Choose 3 of your favourite photos and ask a parent to upload them to our Facebook page in the comments under todays challenge so I can see what you have created!
Make sure they type your first name and age: Ie. Photographer - Jack (8yo).
I WANT MORE! (Extension)
Extension Activities
Would you like to learn more about the History of Photography?
Here is a great video to watch with a parent/carer:
Video attribution: Illuminating Photography: From Camera Obscura to Camera Phone- Eva Timothy…- (1st March 2013), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaGUL8B-BrE [video]. Youtube. Accessed July 1st, 2021
Pin Hole Camera
A pin hole camera is the most basic form of camera and is based on the earliest invention; the Camera Obscura!
It is based on the idea that through the tinest hole, in a very dark dark space, the outside landscape can be projected on a wall. It’s incredible when you see one in real life!!! Check out this documentary on the Camera Obscura!
Make your own Pin Hole Camera!
Here is a Youtube video on how to make your own Pinhole Camera: Make sure you watch with a parent/carer and you will need their help to cut the container open.
Video attribution: DIY Pinhole Camera…- (9th October, 2017), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=214oZMNXgmQ [video]. Youtube. Accessed July 1st, 2021
Be Inspired!
The best way to learn is by looking at photos of other awesome photographers. With an adults permission, research photographer’s such as:
Annie Leibovitz (check with a parent)
This website with cool photos of kids!
Can you find any photos that you love? Some that you don’t like?
Do you have a favourite? Why do you like it so much? What makes it work?
Rule Breakers!
There are always exceptions to the rules!
Once you know these rules….then it’s o.k to break them with a good reason!
Can you find some examples of photos that are famous but are blurry, very bright or very dark?
Do you like them?
Which one is your favourite?
What would you change if you could?
How do they make you feel?